The story of my life
Growing up...
I started my career in marketing and media when as a small child in Latin America I had to find the funds to get new shoes, school supplies or simply gain access to either the music conservatory, high school or a dream job while attending the college of my choice. Yes, I got a degree from the University of North Carolina and have also been Faculty at Duke University. Everyone in life utilizes marketing and the media in some way or another, everyone is in 'sales' whether they want to be in it or not. In the exchange of goods, services or products, they get from the hands of manufacturers to consumers by a process called marketing. Without it there is no commerce, no interaction, no progress. No Life.

Moving to a new country and finding a career was not a hard decision to make, neither was traveling to enjoy a vacation to an exotic place. Everyone has a definition for exotic, we won't go into that right now...Hey, can't you tell I have finally grown up?
Today, as an artist, actor and entrepreneur, I've been helping small businesses and huge corporations with their goals, from making them a few strategic moves to landing multi-million dollar deals. On my humble marketing & media career I have worked projects for Google, Edward Jones, Microsoft, CitiGroup, American Express, US Airways and the like. They have called upon my marketing services because they recognize my entrepreneur spirit and my willingness to create powerful solutions that bring about positive results. If you wanna be part of something BIG. You have to think BIG.
Business Development | Film Productions | Photography | Online Design & Strategy | SEO
Marketing & The Media